
Healthy ageing
The ageing society is one of the dominant topic of our time. Also the investment scene is coverring this topic.


Formed in July 2017, HQAM carries a long history of 2 companies’ behind the name – CEAMS and Hérens Partners. CEAMS was founded back in 2003, when after the dotcom bubble investors’ faith in equity markets was shaken.
HQAM develops investment solutions based on CEAMS Quality approach as well as, with the valuable expertise of former Hérens Partners, in Consumer and Japanese Equities. . HQAM has primarily institutional clients’ focus which includes, for example, pension funds, insurance companies and foundations. Nevertheless, private clients are equally important to us.

The New Generation of Comprehensive Wealth Management
Founded in February 2003 Umblin is a fully independent Swiss wealth management company based in Zürich. Umblin is specialized in classic Swiss Private Banking and offers asset management, financial consulting and family office services which are supported by experienced professionals.
At Umblin, our healthcare investment process is clearly focused and based on primary research into company fundamentals. Our portfolios are built from a bottom-up approach, which includes management contact and a valuation of the company’s scientific and financial strength.